Thank you for your interest in Chaminade’s STEM Hall of Fame middle school Vex robotics team. We are excited to welcome you to the fun and exciting world of competitive robotics. We build for a better tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is it like Battlebots?
A: We get this a lot. The answer is, not really, but kinda. Think of it like this: if Battlebots is like UFC fighting, we are more like middle school flag football. So, yes, the teams are very competitive, and we do have some “spirited interaction” as teams vie to score points, but they are not allowed to intentionally damage each other. That said, our ‘bots must be designed to withstand some pushing and shoving during match play.
Q: What if I don’t know the first thing about robotics? Like seriously, what if I don’t know how to even use one of those screwdriver thingys?
A: Zero experience is required. In fact, sharing our team’s knowledge and expertise is one of our favorite things to do. Some of our greatest success stories started with students who didn’t know diddly about tech of any sort. That’s what makes it so fun. You can start off knowing nothing and by the end of your first year, you will be excited to teach the next group of rookies everything you learned.
Q: What if I think it’s cool, but I’m not the techie type?
A: That’s cool. We offer opportunities for all kinds of interests. In addition to engineering and coding, we need students who are interested in journaling, PR/Marketing, Graphic Design, Communications/Presentations, Project Management, and Sports Strategy.
Q: When do you meet?
A: In the fall, we typically meet Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the middle school and Tuesdays at the high school. Meetings are from 3:15 to 5:00 and our tournaments are on occasional Saturdays. For all of our meetings, students may schedule themselves off as needed. You may define your level of involvement with your scheduling. Students who are our core leaders and are involved at the highest level, attend more meetings. If you attend less than 60% of available meeting times, you would be classified as junior varsity. JV has a more limited range of competitive or leadership opportunities, but it is still a great learning experience.
Q: Can I start as a sixth grader?
A: Heck yes! We have great success stories from all grades. All you need is curiosity, an open mind, and a willingness to do the work.
Q: What if you do other activities or sports? How does that work?
A: As mentioned, we have a flexible scheduling system. The schedule is posted online, and you sign up for the meetings you can attend. Students who attend more meetings tend to learn a lot faster and therefore are afforded more opportunities. It’s very much a case of “you get out what you put in.” That said, there is still a lot of fun and learning to be had for students who have to miss lots of meetings.
Q: How will this help me in college and beyond?
A: Wow, what a great question. I’m so glad you asked. Eagle Engineering is ultimately about much more than building robots. It’s about building life skills. Unlike your classwork, the answers are not definitive. Our moderators and mentors have no idea how we will solve the problems presented to us, or even if they can be solved in the way we want. We give our students opportunities to fail “early and often” as we like to say, because that is the only way you truly learn critical thinking, design thinking, and well… just thinking. The greatest thing you will take away from the Eagle Engineering experience is experience, and not just in technical stuff. Your greatest superpower will become your mastery of soft skills – the very thing that colleges and employers are seeking.
Things like:
- Leadership
- Communications
- Teamwork
- Adaptability
- Work Ethic
- Grace Under Pressure
- Time Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Self-Motivation
- Decisiveness
Q: What about costs? Is this program expensive?
A: First, let’s just say that we never want money to be a factor in your decision. If funds are tight, let us know (, and we will figure out a solution that works with your budget. Here are some of the standard costs:
- Participation Fees: $300 Includes team jersey and supports other team expenses that are related to team size.
- Optional Team Travel: If the team makes it to the State Championship or especially the World Championship in Dallas, travel costs may apply. Participation in travel events is not required. Amounts range from $300 for an optional local overnight (States) to $1,500 or more for multi-day travel by air to Vex Worlds. You can decide about travel on an event-by-event basis.
- Uniform: Every student must purchase a pair of black tactical pants and safety glasses as part of the team uniform. Hoodies and other team spirit wear are extra and are optional.
- Miscellaneous: Little things may pop up from time to time, such as pitching in for lunch at a Saturday VEX tournament or team party.
Not Sure Yet?
Eagle Engineering at Chaminade Middle School offers a flexible schedule over four days per week from August through February, with potential meetings extending into March and April if we make the state and/or world championship. You can check out our calendar here and schedule a visit if you are interested in learning more.